Thursday, March 19, 2009

I missed you!

2 days. I can't stand it. Now i knew how you feel when i'm not around.
I'm so sorry. Talk with me tonight! Okie? Or else, sleep on the couch.

Bwaahahaha!! (ofc i didnt mean it) :D
And post's picture goes tooo..

~~picture of the post~~


Anonymous said...

Aspeeen, im sorry! I love you! wait me! i cant come tonight. I got a freestyle class tonight. And its gonna end at 8 my time. If youre still here I'll come. Okay? I love you. I miss you!

Anonymous said...

Aspa!!! Who is she?
never tell me!!!!!!!!??

Aspio said...


you never ask me so not telling you until we meet.
