Saturday, October 24, 2009

Weird Dream In A Dream

Hello i wanna tell you guys about my weird dream. I don't know if you guys had it before. But this one was dream in a dream in a dream. It's really really weird. Okay let's start. (btw green is a dream, and red is another dream)

I was in an airport. Communist do road block. I found someone name Billie Jean. He so scared! (in my dream he's a man) So he said, "drive for me will you?". I said, okay no problem. But i was very sleepy so i slept when I'm driving. I started to dream about I'm at Manchester. Watching football live at stadium. Know a girl, very cute asking me if i want to date her. i said okay. So we date after the game finish. She's very cute. Very nice but suddenly when he was talking and look at me, a car hit her. So i was shocked and 'woke up!'. But when i 'woke up', we're involved in accident where Billie Jean dead! Ugh. I was scared so i ran away and meet a guy who will give me room to sleep. In England. YES! I WOKE UP IN ENGLAND!! Ah yeah, i meet Arie there. He's a traveler. And give me some money to survive. So without passport, i live there on my 'room' for 3 years. Suddenly mom called. She's so mad. Police keep searching me there. One day, police found me. In England.

Okay then i woke up when being arrested. I was very scared. HAHAHAHA..
so I called my mom. She's going out! Shopping! :p Okay then. Nothing's happen now.
I wanna go back to dorm, take my cloth. Byebye..! Peace, Aspen.